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Celebrity Fashion
Dressing Up

A must have in the Karan Johar's list of fashionable items - quirky sunglasses

A must have in the Karan Johar's list of fashionable items - quirky sunglasses

Guess the quirkiest 'chasma' styles of Karan Johar.Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who's the quirkiest of them all? Join KJo as he takes you through all the latest trends only on Roposo. Karan Johar’s wardrobe is one that is studded with gems. The actor, director, producer has a different sense of style and is often seen sporting ensembles featuring some of the most premiere brands from around the world. And while there are notes worth taking from his outfits, his collection of sunglasses, which accompany and complement every look, is something worth diving deep into. Mostly oversized and always quirky and futuristic, they’re an example of how sunglasses make for an important aspect of one’s style.

Look Stylish in Rainy Weather: Clothing Picks for the Monsoon Season

Look Stylish in Rainy Weather: Clothing Picks for the Monsoon Season

You can tell us from where you are joining us. We are both in Delhi. We both are from Delhi. Actually, we are from Gurgaon. NCR. We don't say Delhi like this. I am from Punjab. I am from Ludhiana. Akshay is also from Delhi. Okay. Say hi to the people from Punjab. Hello, hello. What's up people? I am from Punjab. But I have been staying here for 10 to 12 years. In Delhi NCR region. Sometimes in Norida, sometimes in Gurgaon. What's your work in Delhi? I have been growing up in the same place since my childhood. I have spent my entire life and I have only been in Delhi. And my toxic trait is that I am very bad at things. I haven't been able to travel much. Oh my God. I don't know. I have become so comfortable in my room. So this year, my remaining months plan is that I want to travel. Take a little break. You will travel. Yeah, yeah. I want to. I really want to. So I will ask you what clothes I will wear in it. Okay, done. Right? Yes. So now, first thing, what all is going to happen? We are going to play games. We are going to do styling according to the situation. How to dress according to the occasion. And there are going to be a lot of games. One of which will be, a lot of them. I will tell you only after that. So stick around with us. What products have you brought today? Show the products first or let's do one thing. Our first segment is let's come to that. And we will start showing the products according to that. Done, done. So what we will do is according to the weather, how to do styling, how to take care of yourself. We will talk about this. So the first season, which is almost over, it is autumn now. Yes, autumn has come. But let's talk about the rainy season. So today I think it's going to be about situational styling, right? Right. Right? How to dress up according to the situation. How to dress up according to the occasion. I think that today, me and Upayne will discuss that. So what do we have to do now, Upayne? First of all, let's do one thing. I will show you one or two shirts. Which I personally felt that it has a very rainy season feel in it. Because the bluish tone. How nice is this, by the way? Very nice. So it's made of cotton. Really nice fabric. Very comfortable, very soft. And just imagine, with a blue denim, this bluish, different shades of this shirt will look good. We will do shopping in today's live show as well. What is the prize? You can check the prize at the back. You will see your option. The one from Dino, the option of ad card. You can check that. And obviously, when creators come in front of you, you will get additional discounts at that time. So right now, here, like this side, there will be a slate. The pants that we are showing, you can purchase that shirt right now. This shirt is good. Absolutely, all the boys who are watching right now, in case you are looking for a nice shirt, it has a little t shirt feel as well. Like stretchability, like an ombre. Yes, you can say it, I know it. I can't. I have covered you. Its color is quite nice. The different faded effect is called ombre. Nice, you are a stylist. The cloth is so good. It is a cotton linen type of cloth, which is perfect for rainy and sunny days. So this is what you should, you must wear when you are in tropical weather, or it is a sunny day. So if you wear such clothes, such comfortable clothes, you will feel very comfortable, because you are wearing something really comfortable. Exactly, so it is a nice brand as well. At the same time, and it is said that, if it is because of stretchability, it is very easy to move. So this is the number one product, that I am showing you today. This is my product according to the rainy season. You tell me, if I wear something for you in the rainy season, then what will you wear? Okay, so let me see, what has Upen brought on the rack today. Okay. Let's see, let's see. This saree looks very good. I know, it is so difficult to choose. Right? Are you going to show me? No, it is mine. So I think when I wear jeans, I will wear a loose oversized top, because oversized fit T shirts, tops are very trendy, especially in women. Right, that's why we always steal our brother's clothes, or dad's clothes, because oversized clothes are so trendy. We do that, and somehow this is an oversized top, and it is going to look very good in the rainy season. It is very breathable, even if I want to, you know, get and dance in the rain. Yes, yes. It is going to look very good, you know, and pictures are also going to be very good, because it is a very nice pastel shade, and the things around me, which will be there, will be visible, rather than this top. Oh! What a thing! It is a tip. Can I say the name? Yes, yes. Tip, tip, barista, I think I hope the song is playing, but it is not playing, it cannot be played, but you can imagine, imagine that song, and this top. No, no, no, pass it to me. Thank you very much. Do you keep your attention on certain things? Share some tips with us. I will tell you how I keep my attention on my show. First of all, I make sure that I wear my slippers. I don't wear my expensive footwear. Not expensive footwear which I have bought from DG. I don't wear it because it is very dirty. Dirty? Dirty. It is called dirty in Punjabi. There is a lot of garbage and water is accumulated everywhere. So, slippers are the best. They create a good grip. You can't wear shoes because it will get wet. So, I really take care of my slippers. But at the same time, take care of your skin, your body. Don't go to the shower. Don't take all the points. Sorry. Next is yours. No, this was mine. Sorry. Go ahead. Take a hot bath. It is important to wash your bacteria. I heard a new word today. I am a little bad in Punjabi. Language problem. Then, of course, in the rainy season, there is a tip for girls. Even for boys, wear waterproof makeup. Even if not makeup, girls apply kajal and mascara. They should be waterproof. Because if they are not waterproof, then it will get wet. They have black panda eyes. Who wants that? No one really wants that. So, you ask, make up wise, wear waterproof makeup. Number one. Okay. Someone has written, let me speak to Upenji. Upenji? Upenji speaks a lot. Upenji speaks a lot. Upenji speaks a lot. Today, he will speak. Upenji. Today, I am giving him a chance to speak. Today, he will speak. Exactly. I think I completely agree. Don't wear good shoes in the rainy season. Keep it inside the house. Slippers, yes. Slippers wearing is a good idea. But at the same time, I think, sandals are there, right? Sandals. Which are closed from the back. Because water will get in. And there is no trust in the slippers. If the foot gets stuck, then you only. If you get stuck, then we will not. Such a scene can happen. So, I think sandals are a better option. I wear clothes that day, which even if they get dirty, then they don't have so much trouble washing and cleaning. Don't have so much trouble. Agree. No whites and no like, very expensive clothes. Very expensive. That day. One thing that I absolutely agree with what she said. Which I want to repeat again. Please make sure if water falls on your head, even if it rains a little, go home and take a bath. Take a bath. It is very important to take a bath. Because water, we remember since childhood, that it is raining, now let's take a bath. We do this and that. But at the same time, in an area like Delhi, that pollution is falling on you. Basically, because the pollution is rising up. It goes into the clouds. And it comes down and falls on you. So please, it is important to take care of your skin. Wash your hands, mouth, or bath. All of that. That's very important. Now. People are asking questions. How much discount is there on the product? Actually, all the products that we are offering you, showing you, you are getting additional discount on all of them. That is the whole point of doing a live with you guys. Okay. Do we have to take a poll now? Yes, let's take one more. Let's take one more poll. Let's do one more. Okay. Yes, let's finish all these rain ones. There is a game on the rain. Okay. Do you miss your ex during rains? When it rains, do you miss your ex? Yes. First, he will tell the opinion. First, he will tell the opinion. Exactly. This is a bit like that. What? I am asking you. I am asking you. Don't shave your beard. Okay. 73% of the people have said yes till now. The number is increasing. It has reached 75%. Tell us quickly. You tell us. I was asking you. I was asking you. I was asking you. Are you okay with this? Yes. Okay. 69% of the people said yes. And 31% said no. Maybe there are some comments from Juicy. Masalida. Let's read. Juicy. Yes, I remember. Mehak Lol. Anam Ansari. Yes. If anyone has some masala, give it to us. We have a special instruction today. Akshay has written. Yes, Akshay, tell us. Did you dump it or did he do it? He did it. If you remember, it is possible that. Yes. This is a bit more personal question. Sorry. I didn't like it so much. Sorry. Don't remember your ex. Do it to your future. Oh. Monica. Very good. Very good. Seriously. This is my. Okay. Why are you laughing? Don't remember your ex. Do it to your future. Zahid Malik. Everyone is clapping. Correct answer. Lovely Thakur. Thakur. Yes. Okay. Lovely Thakur. Akshay Shukla. Great. Yes, Akshay. Everyone is clapping. A lot of people have joined. Let's tell them what the topic is. So, okay. Today's topic is situational styling. According to the situations, according to the weather, according to the occasions, how to style yourself. So, tips are also being given about them. Now, coming. Coming. Coming. Coming. Coming. Coming. Coming. Coming. Coming. Coming. Coming. Coming. Coming. Coming.

Affordable and Skin-Friendly Festival Makeup Products from Harsha and Dolphin

Affordable and Skin-Friendly Festival Makeup Products from Harsha and Dolphin

How are you? I am good. Thank you. Nice welcome. Please introduce yourself. Tell us something about yourself. Hello guys. My name is Harsha Vasthi. And I am sure you all are also watching Dolphin. So today as Dolphin will tell you that Today we have brought for you Festive makeup products. Meaning when you come to the upcoming festivals. Affordable products, skin friendly products. You will get good quality. And you can shop at home. With love for that. Wow. What a question. Today's show is going to be very interesting. Because there are so many things. Games are also there. And Harsha and Dolphin are the combination. Already it has become very special. Definitely. In fact, I am going to create a day makeup look. And Dolphin is a night makeup for you. Meaning evening makeup. Meaning if you are going somewhere in the evening. Then how can I You know, can do the ready. I have a styling tip, makeup tip. But not only that. I have got so many people. Dolphin whenever we talk about makeup. And I am sure you also do that. That there are many questions around makeup. So that is also something. Which we are going to address today. We are here to answer all your queries related to makeup. How to last makeup. What is the problem of my makeup. Any questions you can shoot out. And we will answer it. But for now before starting the show. Answer one question of the guys. Are you guys excited? Are you guys ready? For the festivals to arrive. Harsha, have you realized that the time is coming. September is coming. The time has come. Diwali and so many festivals. You are not happy. There are so many excuses to get ready. I think for me it is the monsoon. Anyway, I really like to get dressed up. On the monsoon and Rakhi. So for me it has already started. But let's see what people are saying. Are you ready for the festivals? Oh yes. Of course we are Indians. We love festivals. Okay, let me remove this one. And yeah. Time is up. Wonderful. We have got many good results. 92% people are saying that we are ready. Alright. So we have talked about the products. We will quickly show you the products. What we have and what we don't have. We are going to show you one by one. What all options we have. Harsha has also talked about the makeup look. So two makeup looks will be created here. Which will be in the second part of the show. But in the first part Harsha and I are going to do something amazing. We are going to challenge each other. But we are not even looking at each other. Because we have done less makeup. And we thought why not give you a live demonstration. What we want to try. So Harsha are you excited to do your makeup. With closed eyes. Yes. Okay. You can't open your eyes. So what we have to do is. First of all let's challenge Harsha. Harsha has to do her makeup. Maybe at least 3 days. With closed eyes. With closed eyes. Oh my god. Are you excited? Okay yes I am excited. Your seat is ready for you. I will. Let me just get my products. Then we will see. When we reach. I am a bit scared. I have got my chair. Till then people are asking. Which is their favourite festival? Yes. Which one is yours? This is so hard. Diwali or Holi. I like all of them. I will tell you. When I was a kid I used to love Holi. Because it was so much fun. Now that I have grown up. I like Diwali more. Because I get to dress up. So I don't know. Maybe Diwali. Diwali. Diwali. No I can't choose. She can't choose. In fact the polls are very dicey also. 57% Diwali. That was also close. Very close. So we know what is the choice of people. So over to you Harsha. The challenge is that Harsha. With closed eyes. Will do her makeup with at least 3 products. And the time starts now. I told you so much. Okay. So we have got you this really nice blush on. As you can see it's a really nice. Good shade for Indian skin tone. And this you can use obviously as an eyeshadow. Also as a highlighter. So I am going to go ahead and closing my eyes now. Let's see. Do you want to talk till then? I am just. I just hope I don't look like a joker. I look at you and I am screaming. My eyes are closed so no cheating. So I am just doing this. Upward technique which I have not. I don't know from a long time. Recently I have discovered this. But I am really liking it. I have no idea what I am doing. And I hate it guys by the way. Seriously if you use blush on. No no it's very less now. You can't open your eyes. little closer yeah light color also I love the lipstick on you I love it on you oh my god because I was just you know trying to play a little smart that it doesn't spread too much so I just left it can you guys see now she has fixed it now she is done but we don't want this I would suggest you remove it and we will play a different game altogether yes we will do the same thing with you by the way just wait for it I will be back ok by the time Harsha realises that the game is one sided but ok let me tell you guys it is so much fun and Harsha has already created a very good look all these products that you saw that they are trying you can get them here in fact even much more do one thing you can see here a product tile you can click there you can add it to your card if you are watching us on and if you are watching us on glance you can see a simple number you have to press that you have to put your number in fact you don't have to press the number you have to put your number and we will call we will take your order on call personally what a luxury experience you are getting that's going to be amazing here people are saying that full on enjoyment is going on it is very good and interesting so yeah I like it I think people are loving the show so let me bring a quick poll and ask you which makeup look you like more ok let me ask you guys are you more interested in nude makeup or party makeup Harsha is back with us Harsha what is your choice nude makeup or party makeup what do you say even in the parties I just like it of course sometimes I like to experiment but yeah my go to thing is nude makeup and I think people here also are sort of liking more no no we are coming for the party I like nude of course party makeup is very red it's like even if it's striking red lip color I would like to mute my eyes entirely oh wonderful so the polls are 60% nude makeup and rest of the poll is 40% is party makeup ok that's a nice thing so it's my turn to play the game are you ready are you excited so basically the same thing which I just did Dolphin is going to do the same thing 3 products she is going to apply on her face makeup products which we have brought for you with closed eyes I am still not able to relate myself with this lipstick I will probably remove it smooth ok which one do you want ok so I will start you want to go with the eyebrows I will start with eyebrows that's such a risky business I can never do that ask me once so I said no eyebrows are like the only thing which I am really possessive of and that possessive that sometimes I would not even go anywhere or make shape I will just plug them wow that's a lot cool guys ok eyes closed I will not cheat I wanted to see the color sorry and that's it ok so let's see what dolphin is doing I was not able to trace my lips also and she already has found and she is doing good job what is this I don't know what is happening you just dipped in a little that was intentional or not I don't know I am just going with the flow let me just see she is doing a good job she is doing a good job I think it came out a little let's see what happens ok so this is done I am not looking sorry your own made rules I have done my eyebrows without looking in the mirror now the next thing that I can have would be a lipstick what do you think do you want to do mascara or eyeliner I am scared now you are scared let's start with the lipstick first we are just playing a game whatever we are using right now you can shop for that this is lipstick by Miss Rose the color is very nice it is a very nice creamy lipstick I am going to do it ok so let's do this the same thing happened with me I am not able to locate my own lips ok yeah yeah so whatever products we have got for you is I am going to use this one this is this is this is joining, pre shipping yes oh my god easy returns also and then cash on delivery also yes and then genuine of course, of course the number one priority nice guy I like this guy so basically we are telling you everything if you ever skip or if you are seeing post order plans for the first time, once again we want to say that Dorfman and Ausha are very solid, where you can shop, there is 100% entertainment and of course today when we specifically talking about it under triple nine we are going to make sure that you do amazing shopping at home, should we just carry on with the our team is very good, we are just giving some claps, yeah cool, cool, nice, I am enjoying so you saw this, now quickly let's start the first game, what do you think are you excited I have this game, Harsha and I have specially thought that we will play this, so I will make sure that you will be able to read it, let's go with the half screen only, yeah and I will just try and play, okay it is not coming to read, I think you have to do the full screen and I think yeah let's try that one, okay it is not coming to read, cool, no issues, I have the pictures with me in my phone, so we will keep showing you by reading and quick it is a play game that we will tell you that how we are going to play it and then you can answer it, you can help me, you can help Ausha, so basically the first thing is that why do I have to wash my makeup off, okay before sleeping and before going to bed, yes, yes, why, why, because it is very important for your skin to keep it healthy, yes, it is true, it is very important and actually I think that if you are using good products, it is not like it is always like that, normally expensive products are good products, but it is really very important that how you prep your skin and remove your makeup, so one thing is that how you remove it is also very important, otherwise if you don't do it then you will have a lot of skin problems, yes, so eventually it builds up with time, then you can see fine lines, pigmentation, hyperpigmentation, all those other results of the things that we have soaked in our skin, so makeup is not made to be soaked in, it is made to be skin care, so you apply skin care overnight but leave the makeup overnight, leave it for a very long time, it is a very good suggestion, should we just like close this and we can ask each other, and if you also have any questions related to this, basically all these questions are brought to you by Dolphina today, which is worldwide, yes, yes, most are google or from makeup experts or dermatologists, most people ask these questions, so we thought that if you have any questions in your mind, we will answer it, so do you want to take a question, let's see, why doesn't any blush last, why doesn't any blush last, you will want to answer, any of you will want to suggest that why does it happen that our blush doesn't last, Shubham is saying it's not funny, okay, no, no, you are doing it chilly, Supriya Desai is saying it's fun, and see someone is saying it's fun, so decide it, but yes, how much blush doesn't last, I will tell you, maybe because my habit is that I apply foundation, concealer and directly blush, okay, I think first setting should be powder then later blush, if you are using a powder blush, there, yes, so for me too, I agree, and actually again I think it is related more to the skin, some people's T zone is very oily, so if you are applying any, first of all, those who have oily skin shouldn't apply cream base, again because acne problem can happen, if you apply powder brush which I also usually prefer, so in that you have to make sure that if there is a little oil, you can just do the retouch or like Dolphin said setting powder and setting spray can also really help you, but when you apply the brush, your makeup is done except the eyes you can also hide the makeup, if you have a good setting spray, it can help you, but apply it from a distance, otherwise, yes, correct, otherwise it will get patchy and it will get duped, so that is the reason, next question we ask you that this question is asked by most people on Google, we are just putting it across, so I think this is asked by a lot of people and then I had also started because I am almost 12, 13 years old, so now, obviously, I have realized it by the time, but why does my makeup look so different once I step outside, it happens with you also, I have seen my pictures, I have seen my white hair, I have seen my white hair, I have seen my white hair, I have seen my white hair,

how to style a dress according to ocassion

how to style a dress according to ocassion

Basically, it's all about festival. If there is a festival, you have to look good, you have to look sharp, you have to get ready, right? So, a lot of people, what do they do? For the festival, hey, there is a big bang, festival is about to start. My topic was about to start and there is a discount code as well. See, there will be a discount code and after that, I will tell you what is the product. Let's see how much discount is there. Let's go. I am hoping for a good 10% discount. Please give, please give. Because guys, these products are already at a very, very, very nice price. The result on that is going to be super cool. Let's see what discount do we get. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, 40% discount on anything and everything that we have today in the cart. Here, go check out the cart yourself. I will tell you all the products immediately. We were talking about Ganpati. Why are we talking about Ganpati? Discount 40% discount from COUNT40. Whatever rates are written here on clothes. Today, we have 4 shirts and 4 denims or trousers or joggers. You can call it whatever you want. We have 4 upper and 4 lower things. And it is awesome. It is extraordinary, I was going to say. It is extraordinarily awesome guys. Because the things we have, I will tell you. 1, 2, 3, 4, here. 4 shirts that you will love it. I will show you right away. Absolutely beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Oh, tie, tie. And this denim is back. Guys, if you know, if you have seen my show last time. And if you have bo

Dress to Impress on Ganesh Chaturthi: Outfit and Hairstyle Inspiration

Dress to Impress on Ganesh Chaturthi: Outfit and Hairstyle Inspiration

If you are a girl then you know how to dress up naturally Dress up comes naturally but I think Especially in Kandahar The Modak that you get here Nawa Modak I forget all the dieting I can finish a year of sweet in that one day So I think I get really excited and look forward to Ganesh for getting ready and doing both stuff But don't we ask our audience now? See what our audience is saying and before I think let more people join so that we can do a poll Till then you said that your favourite part is dressing up So what exactly how do you like dressing up on festivals? So, okay In my family I am known that I always over dress. In any function Sarees, Kurtis, big earrings good necklaces I always over do my dress up My make up is on point My hair is also on point You know there is nothing as getting overdressed Because I think yeah Nothing happens on festivals Whatever you do is a vibe That is also very true. Tanya has said a very good thing We don't have to feel ashamed to dress up We always go all out And there are so many people joining in Hi Priya, hope you are doing good Hello Saaj, thank you Thank you Saaj and to everyone who is joining in, we will tell you once again Today's show is a special Ganpati Occasionally show Ganesh and Turti Kale Where we are talking about a lot of festive wear festive outfits, how you can do a hairstyle in festivals and get ready There is a lot of things, so stay tuned And once again, Happy Ganesh and Turti Happy Ganesh and Turti, to all of you.

Get ready top to toe with amazing deals on dresses, makeup, and accessories!

Get ready top to toe with amazing deals on dresses, makeup, and accessories!

is very important because I have got some amazing deals on dresses, on makeup products, on accessories like today they said top to toe if you want to get ready like with a nice dress, with nice makeup, with nice accessories I have got it covered throughout this show. So today's show is going to be very fun. Stay tuned with me and before starting the show I think it's the time for me to throw a poll on you. First of all tell me what is your go to mantra, poll is coming on to your screen in one. So what is your go to mantra for party, dance, date, movies, friends day out, friends night out. What's your go to mantra, is it go glamorous or is it go average, go simple, go subtle. What is your go to mantra, tell me that. According to that I am going to talk about today's show. So let's see what is your go to mantra, let me just see. Okay I am liking it. 75% people said go glamorous, high five guys because even I am like that. If I have to go out for shopping, if I have to go out on a date, if I have to go out for movie or specially for travel, for party then definitely I think there is no need to think, go glam is a must. So hashtag says go glam or go home, I am like that and that's why I have brought this show for you. Thank you so much, so many people have responded. Your outfit is good, thank you so much Raj. You haven't seen my outfit yet, I will show you what kind of outfit I am wearing today. But before that let's get ready a little bit more because today I have a lot of thin

Recreate Katrina Kaif's Denim Look from Namaste London | Dream Denim Look with Sonali & Raju

Recreate Katrina Kaif's Denim Look from Namaste London | Dream Denim Look with Sonali & Raju

how much you get you have this look is not first you tell me guess rather who is the celebrity whose look I will recreate hint was this song hint was this song I am going to recreate this look tell me the name of the celebrity soon Sonali Giriraj Ajay Katrina Kaif yes it is a hint Sonali you gave answer then you are saying hint you are right it is Katrina Kaif I am going to be copying or rather recreating you are looking pretty free thank you thank you Rajuji yes we are going to do Katrina Kaif you know Katrina Kaif I didn't like her so much before but now I like her a lot because now we know your hairstyle is very good because I know I have come to know through common friends because we are also in industry she is a very good person she never says negative she is a very good person that is Katrina Kaif so look which I am going to recreate that is going to be something which all celebrities carry this look which is denim on denim and if there is one celebrity who is Katrina Kaif Sonali is also my favorite Katrina Kaif so this is Katrina Kaif in amazing denim on denim look and she carries it very nicely here she is wearing denim jacket look at this here she is wearing denim skirt sorry denim shirt with jeans and here she is wearing again dark blue denim yes she is super super pretty and she is very nice so look which is from these three which I am going to recreate that is which one which one so I am going to be recreating this look from Namaste London movie I like it very much I love denim jacket I also love neck cut so I can't wear denim jacket but I love denim now I am wearing denim I can live in denim I am very happy wearing denim and you can see Katrina Kaif is rocking this shirt and dark blue jeans Hi Abhinav we love denim yes I like it too let's recreate this look first we will decode then we will recreate decode is superb look let's see this is party look you can make party look I will give you tip how to make party look first let's look at her make up make up is of Katrina Kaif she wears simple plain lipstick like nude shade and in eyes I have never seen her wear kajal I have always seen her wear eyeliner so eyeliner is this which I have seen on my face may be you are feeling but let me change the setting so you don't say Risha is grown up yesterday everyone said Risha is grown up so this is my face see I have nothing on my face my face is empty there is no anything on eyes as kajal is little bit left she doesn't wear any kajal but we are going to put eyeliner first we will make up ready for this look which is the eyeliner that I have I don't use eyeliner much I use very less eyeliner but this look thank you Selva for following but to create this look I will wear eyeliner because I know Katrina Kaif always wears eyeliner so we are now while talking to you how to apply eyeliner but see that's the talent I have put it see that is the eyeliner that I am wearing and in 2 seconds Sonali appreciate my way of applying eyeliner which I have applied while talking while talking appreciate Sonali I am saying Sonali because girls know how difficult it is now they won't apply eyeliner on Raju so they won't know Pankhudi is saying some will change the hairstyle but I don't like it that her face is so you must have noticed something since Katrina Kaif is in industry she is wearing only one hairstyle she has never changed her hairstyle and this I I support this opinion because I feel whatever you like stick to it Risha do you like long dress or short I always like short depending on what you want I am wearing other eyeliner while talking whether it is short or long I am okay with anything till the time it fits well dress fitting is very very important alright so this eyeliner is done I dream denim look is the best

Recreate Alia Bhatt's Look in 10 Minutes: Dark Eyes & Golden Dress!

Recreate Alia Bhatt's Look in 10 Minutes: Dark Eyes & Golden Dress!

she goes sometimes very casual and even as when she was pregnant as a mother she was totally rocking the look and that is my phone ringing which should not be ringing but it is ringing away exactly now there it is ok so I was saying that first I will silence my phone once again once again so I was saying that I am going to create this amazing amazing look let's see how it works out or not but first I will show you what that look will be what is that look going to be that is something like this and this is what it is going to look like that is Alia's look for some reason I am not able to see the comments I wonder what's happening I can't see any comments but this is the look that I am going to recreate so see the gold dress that I have is not 100% identical its shade is a little different but it's pretty much going to be that dark eyes and a golden dress and she has kept it very simple and sleek straight hair and thereafter dark eyes and nude lips and she has kept it very simple and very classy Hi Nidhi how are you Hi Rehan Hi Amar thank you for following I hope you are doing well I hope you are doing well so I was telling Nidhi that Alia Bhatt's look Hi Preeti how are you this look Amar I am very good how are you Alia is very simple thank you Amar I am going to try to look like Alia gorgeous Alia is so beautiful I will create the look quickly and with that we are going to play some fun trivia on her as well Hi Pranav how are you thank you for following Alia's look is looking good I am saying Hi Preeti Happy Anniversary Happy Anniversary Harshita I am very good so let's go we are recreating Alia's look Nidhi saying that short dress she looks cute she really carries that everywhere see this is not a movie this is Manish Malhotra's Karan Johar's birthday where gold was the theme and everyone was wearing gold outfit I have it too first of all I am going to try head to toe first of all her eyes are dark it's completely black stay with me motivate me I am little nervous for celebrity look they have hair stylist make up artist and many things I have only 15 minutes so I am quickly going to recreate this first of all let's start with the eyes she has dark eyes you must have seen I am not wearing any make up I am going to do dark eyes you will get one more tip how to get ready in no time to get ready for a party in a look like this in 10 minutes first of all black shanaya I am very good you can also do this look and Preeti said very good when she said recreate I said it has to be this look of Alia it's really really nice till I complete this eye make up you will get a question on Alia I request back end team please shoot here so that they can do this Alia is so versatile and she started so many trends peak of her career she got a baby she really flaunted the baby bump she flaunted it so cool almost all her pregnancy was working and for you the question is what is the name of Alia's sister your options are Rima, Riya, Shaheen, Riddhima or Tara if you are saying that you are favorite of Alia then I am pretty sure you know what is the name of Alia's sister she has one sister and she is very close to her sister so hopefully you should know this answer specially shanaya you are saying that Alia is your favorite so dark eyes are almost like mine now I need to go under that so I am going to go under that

Creating a Festive Look with Alia Bhatt's Brahmastra Style - A Quick Pullover & Silver Jewellery

Creating a Festive Look with Alia Bhatt's Brahmastra Style - A Quick Pullover & Silver Jewellery

So, just adding the look reference for you before I go into creating the look. There you go right now. So, that is the look I am going to recreate for you. That's Alia Bhatt from the movie Brahmastra. So, let's go. A very quick pullover, very similar to what Alia is wearing in the picture there. So, I am going to quickly add this on. This can instantly change your look from casual to something festive, something very holiday. This is a long shrug, very flowy and you know it will look good in photos too. It is a very bright color, has a mix of pink and red in it. I am going to pair it up with, since we are going all colorful, I am going to pair it up with a pair of yellow heels that you see here. So, let me put these on and as we see Alia has done very minimal makeup and very minimal accessories as well. So, let's go. One thing that Alia always follows in her routine, she always has her blush on perfectly. So, here I have a very nice shade of dusky pink that I am going to apply. Just to give you that young and very dewy look. Blend it. Moni is saying, it is very good for parties. Yes Moni, how can you game up a simple white top and jeans with a jacket and a little bit of makeup and accessories. So, here is the blush and I am going to put on some lipstick as well. Yes Suhana, you are right, it will look very good with a white top. White is a very versatile color. You can experiment with any other color with this. Yes, I also like Alia a lot. So, she has put on a very natural lipstick, so I am going with this shade of dusky pink for the lips as well. Yes, Iza is also my favorite. Alia can't wait for her next movie. Yes, I also like pink. That's why I wanted to keep it very natural, very easy look. And if you see, she is wearing some silver accessories. So, here I have a pair of bangles. To give it a little ethnic look, in this movie, Alia is in Varanasi. So, she has shown a little ethnic look in this movie. You can wear this look in college, or if you have a festival in your office or if it is an ethnic day, you can wear it there as well. Or if you have a small function at home, where you don't have to be completely ready, you can wear this look there as well. So, I have some bangles that I am adding on. Some junk silver jewelry always adds a prep to the look. So, are you guys ready to dance to Kesaria? Thank you. Pink color looks very nice. Yes, pink and red I think is a classic combo. Even I totally love it. Thank you. Thank you, Meet. Thank you, Aptal. We will add a pair of earrings with this. I am keeping the earrings matching to the silver jewelry that I am wearing here. So, let me add a pair of earrings as well. You can see how it is giving a complete makeover to a plain white top and blue jeans look. Here are our earrings. And see, let me go a little behind to show you the complete look. Because this jacket is very flowy, you can wear it on a holiday as well. You can wear it on a nice short dress, you can wear it with a pair of shorts. You can do a lot of different experiments with this. And with this, our look. Guys, let me know, send me some hearts if you are liking the look. I have tried to keep my hair also very nice.

Celebrity Lookbook: Recreate Ranveer Singh's Look with Usman | Funky Shirt and Color Combos

Celebrity Lookbook: Recreate Ranveer Singh's Look with Usman | Funky Shirt and Color Combos

Hello Usman, hello hello hello We don't waste your time How are you? I'm good, how are you? Hi hi hi, I'm good, how are you? Alright, I want to ask you guys something first What's today's topic? Anushka, today's topic is Celebrity Lookbook and I specially for you guys, a celebrity which you guys will guess, if it's right then a lot of love for you guys even if it's not right, I'll recreate that look for you guys and I'll tell you guys how I did it So, first of all, I'm going to show you guys an AV right now, you guys have to check it, you have to see it you guys have to guess which one of them is a celebrity whose look I'll recreate, yes Let's see, let's go for it, I'll also give you guys a hint Alright, there we go First is our Shahrukh Khan, you guys think I'll recreate this or Ranbir Kapoor's look Which one, which one, which one guess it, Ranbir Singh's look or Shahid Kapoor's look or Kartik Aaryan's look Guys, you guys have to guess actors there's no outfit among these, the actor whose look I'm going to recreate, I've already kept his look aside, I'm going to show you guys but you guys have to guess which one of these 5 actors whose look I'm going to recreate Kartik's, no, wrong answer, try Shahid's look Shahid, people compliment me a lot but I'm going to do a different look, Shahrukh Khan, no, no no, no, no, you're looking amazing Thank you so much, Kartik is good Good afternoon, thank you so much, you're so handsome Thank you, thank you, thank you, Kartik's do it, no, not Kartik's, I won't do it today, but today without wasting too much time, I'll tell you guys Yadav has given the right answer I'm going to recreate Ranveer Singh's look in front of you guys on the screen I'll show you guys the look first you guys look at this look and tell me how you feel There you go This look This look, I'm going to recreate this for you guys in front of you, okay I'll take the screen back I'm going to show you the whole look Guys, please stay tuned you guys must have seen this look, now I'm going to show you my look, alright There we go Okay guys, till I recreate this look, I'm going to play an AV for you in which there are many famous best outfits of Ranveer Singh, I'm going to show you So just check it out, check it out, check it out Look at this Here are Ranveer Singh's most famous and most funky outfits Keep watching and I'll be back in a second Wow, funky, right? What do you guys think of Ranveer Singh's look? What do you think of this look? In fact Now I'm going to wear a funky shirt in front of you Just check this out How do you guys like this shirt? I've worn these buttons a little I'm setting it up Till then, I'll show you one more look, which I've already recreated of Ranveer Singh which is my favorite and I'm sure you'll like it Just check this out You guys wait The last picture in this is mine and it's going to be super cool, just check it out Check it out guys This is the picture and what do you guys think? Look around Same look, same style I've copied everything and I've recreated this look of Ranveer Singh I'm in both the sides and Ranveer is in the middle Just check it out What do you think guys? What do you think? How much I've complimented the look and how much I've styled it exactly, it's looking good Thank you so much, thanks a lot The color combination is good Ranveer Singh is in the middle and the hero is looking the same I've recreated this look for a shoot which you can see, it's looking good So guys I've done the first step I've done the first look I've done the first look Now, I've shown you a picture of a funky shirt

Create a Look with Deepika: Hair, Sunglasses, Shoes & Bags

Create a Look with Deepika: Hair, Sunglasses, Shoes & Bags

by the way let me tell you. Okay so let's start Okay first of all I do one thing I tie my hair I have this band First I will put sunglasses because I can't see anything because there is ring light So there are no paparazzi There are no paparazzi in front of me There is ring light in front of me So you will see reflection in it Okay I have tied my hair little bit Okay this is done Now Anurag is saying we are rich Now what we do is If you see carefully, typically I wear white sneakers Now I have worn combination of sneakers and boots Now let me tell you which option I have I have two options, either yellow and white or these are boots Now you will comment yellow or brown and I will wear that Should I wear yellow or brown Should I wear yellow or brown and I will wear the one who will get more comments Yellow or brown There are two options of brown, birds and birds are saying brown Riya is saying yellow, Anurag is also saying yellow Brown, yellow, yellow Now I have to read comments Anurag yellow, Shivanya yellow, Shree brown, brown Brown, yellow, oh my god you have done 50% Okay last three comments, yellow or brown Last three, yellow, brown Last comment, yellow Okay Riya is saying yellow, so I will wear yellow Now we will wear this And let's see how the look is created today Whether you like it or not We will have to check everything Okay wear it, yellow looks good Yes now I am wearing the maximum comments Okay Brown is also nice If I have it, it must be But I like yellow also This will also create a color block look White, I don't have proper white I have white but they are sports And running shoes Okay so this is the look I will give a fold to the pant Because you know the difference between my height and Deepika's height Joke guys Okay if I am able to see correctly Here, Deepika has Clips up to here So let's do something like this Okay and in fact Her shirt from one side Is inside Like this Guys these are small things, you have to tell How will the look be created Can you see It is a little loose style Okay, like this collar Okay now it's time Now it's time for the sunglasses I have two choices in sunglasses I will show you This is my right hand If you like this, then comment right And this is my left hand If you like this, then comment left Right or left Don't look at your right or left Left, left, left Let's clean it Almost 1000 people are watching this show And Here we go So guys this is the look I will read your comments But along with that Rishi is saying it's a must look All I need is a luggage bag Which is lying on top of me I couldn't take it out, I didn't have it Otherwise I will bring it for you Hair Okay guys Now you can tell me How do you like this look Today there is no filter Do we have a filter This is the look I am trying to do the style of Deepika One foot ahead And luggage and everything

Ranveer Singh Look: Recreated by Karan Parihar | Reward Season Coming Soon

Ranveer Singh Look: Recreated by Karan Parihar | Reward Season Coming Soon

We will know about the reward season later. How are you Suman? Suman is saying, Thank you so much for joining. I am good. Now, I am going to recreate this look in front of you. You know what you want. Guess the second celeb in the comment section. Till then, I will tell you about the first celeb. I am going to recreate the look of Ranveer Singh. And even if I don't have Deepika Padukone in my life, what difference does it make? But I can recreate the look of Ranveer Singh. Gurdev Singh has come and is following me. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for following me. Now, I will show you the video. Here, I am going to recreate this look. Ranveer Singh in white kurta. This will be recreated today. So, tell me, are you ready for this? 3 yes. And then, Ranveer Singh's fashion is the best. I have got a divorce. And, And second marriage. The second marriage is going on in court. Kumkum. What a thing? Kumkum has got a sense of humor as well. One divorce and another divorce in marriage. Let's see that later. For now, we have to go to the wedding. Because we are hungry. And we have to get ready for the wedding. So, I will tell you how you can get ready. You have seen Ranveer Singh's ad. It is a wedding. You have to get ready. So, if you are wearing this. This is also not less than Ranveer Singh. This is also inspired by Ranveer Singh. But if you are going to the wedding, then you have to get ready. And I am just going to play the A.V. And I am going to look like him. White Kurta. A plain white Kurta is available at everyone's home. No matter where you are from, you will get plain white Kurta. And you will also get plain white pyjamas below it. Now, what you have to wear below is up to you. But we will show you the upper look. In 3, 2, 1. Here, Ranveer's look has come once again in front of you. And, we will hide Deepika for now. No, let's not hide Deepika. You will enjoy watching Deepika. So, I will stay down. And I will leave you with a question. Till then, I will recreate the look. Quickly, the question. White Kurta looks good in black. Pari, don't take tension. You said it and I did it. Look, I am Parihar. Karan Parihar. So, you said it and I did it. Don't take tension. Coming to you in 3, 2, 1. Till then, you give me the answer to this question. Who takes more time to get ready? And answer this question properly. Till then, I am coming ready. Who takes more time to get ready? Boys or girls? You will get to know about this. This is a 30 second poll. I will try to get ready in 30 seconds. If I get ready, then it is a good thing. Otherwise, we will do something else. What? What? What answer is coming on the poll? Oh, what a thing! You are giving the correct answer. And your brother has worn a kurta. Now, he has to wear a pyjama. So, give me 2 minutes and I will see. I didn't fall. Don't take tension. Nothing has happened. I am coming in 3, 2, 1. I hope you are ready to check out this look. I will make this AV a little smaller. And I will make myself a little bigger. Because the answer to this poll is Who takes more time to get ready? Boys or girls? Boys. Whoever has clicked. No, because I have shown you in 30 seconds. And this is my look. Now, I will show you a photo of Ranveer Singh. But this is my look. And it is a little incomplete. I have not worn anything below. You are watching barefoot. But we will amp up our style statement. Whatever Ranveer has worn, I will wear this shoe. This is going to look super awesome. I have worn this white accessory. It will add a very good flavor. So, let me just wear this right away. And then show you the Ranveer Singh picture. 3, 2, 1. Here we go. I feel confident. And I am going to show you the look right now. Now, Ranveer's picture next to him. And Veera's picture next to him. See for yourself and tell me. How is it? Has the same look been recreated? Or your brother has just added this extra. Because this is a cool accessory. And now, here we go. 3, 2, 1. Okay. Should I enlarge myself? Yes. Here we go. Tell me what you think about this look. If Deepika had a hand in my hand, it would have been awesome. And I would have pretended to walk like this. But yes, this is the Ranveer Singh look. Tell me how do you feel about it. Think Deepika is here. She is outside the frame. I have held her hand. And this is me, Ranveer Singh. I have told you. Okay. No one will make fun of me. No one will make fun of me. Make fun of me a little. No one will make fun of me. And this is how it looks, guys. This is how it looks. Love the filter. Awesome. Alright.

Recreate Kareena Kapoor's Look: Orange Floral Dress & Baby Bump!

Recreate Kareena Kapoor's Look: Orange Floral Dress & Baby Bump!

I'm going to recreate the look today. I'm going to recreate the look, I'm going to drop a hint at you, you have to tell me what kind of girl is this, what kind of actress is this? What kind of actor is this? This is my favorite. I will go with her from way. This color is looking very good on you. Thank you. You are praising me and guess who I am talking about. No, Anarag is not difficult. I am my favorite. Come on guys. Looking so pretty. Thank you. Beautiful dress color. Thank you. Congratulations. Thank you. Thank you. So sweet. I am good guys. Okay. I am talking about Kareena Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor is my favorite. I am going to recreate this look of Kareena Kapoor because Kareena Kapoor is my favorite too. So this is Kareena Kapoor's look. Orange color floral print dress. Kareena Kapoor has put it and she looks stunning. So this picture is of her pregnancy days. When Kareena Kapoor was pregnant, she clicked this picture. You can see the baby bump. She is so cute, so adorable and I liked this look very much. So I am going to recreate this look of Kareena Kapoor for you guys. But you can tell me in the comments how you like this look of her. Meanwhile, I am going to show you Kareena Kapoor's this look. How is this dress of her? Orange color printed dress. Beautiful look. Dressing sense is comfortable. Kareena Kapoor's look is absolutely amazing. The print of dress is very good. Shagun, Kareena Kapoor is my favorite. Tamanna, Bhatia, Nishta, Anurag, all are looking good. Dress is also very beautiful. Bebo is always good. Bebo, this Bebo. Did you like the brightness? Did you like everyone? Shagun, Anurag, Nishta, Tamanna, Ronak, Gunjan. Did you like everyone? Did you like my favorite Kareena look? Did you like it? Did you like it? Did you like it? Did you like it? And I am creating this look of Kareena Kapoor for you guys. How am I looking guys? So there is a little difference between Kareena and my look. She is so pretty. I agree Ronak. She is my favorite too. So I will show you Kareena's look simultaneously. So this is Kareena's outfit. I have changed a little bit. She is wearing a long gown dress. She has put a belt here and tucked it in and is flaunting her baby bump. I have picked a similar color but different print. Wow! You have also created a beautiful look. Thank you Shagun. Thank you Shagun. So I have also picked a similar color, a little bit of design, printed and floral. And I have picked a similar dress. It is that her long dress and my short dress. It is a blue dress. And our outfit is very similar. I liked her look very much. So in the celeb look I thought of recreating this look for you guys. Bhavna, you wear anything. Everything looks good. So sweet. My audience is so sweet. I mean write the same praises for me as you did for Kareena Kapoor. Thank you guys. Wow! Same to same. Where did you get this dress from? I search for it and get it. And usually in the celeb look I try to create such looks which are easy to achieve. Because whenever our favorite actors get ready, they come in public and their pictures come. So we always think that Kareena is looking so good. I also feel like that. But then we lose our hope because we think she is a celebrity. Either she will wear expensive clothes, designer clothes, expensive makeup. How can I recreate? So the whole motive of the celeb look is this. That will come here. Will tell you that it is not necessary. You have to spend a lot of money. You have to search a lot. You can also recreate a look like her. You just need to come here on Reposin Glance and join our show Celeb Look. Where we will tell you how you can recreate this look. So today I have recreated this look of our favorite Kareena Kapoor. Similar color, similar dress. Her is a little long and mine is a little short. You can do things according to your comfort. You are looking like Kareena Kapoor. Thank you Oberoi ji. What a rich surname you have Oberoi. I am liking this look. Shabun, you also do this look.

Aayush Banking On Hawai Hawai Collagen masali Nur - Ayushman Khurana's First Movie Quiz!

Aayush Banking On Hawai Hawai Collagen masali Nur - Ayushman Khurana's First Movie Quiz!

Most welcome and this is another photo I will repeat it again tell me which celebrity is it? what do you think? related to this celebrity there will be an Arabic quiz Varun Dhawan, no it's not Varun Dhawan I will show you again this is the first photo and the second one Hi bro, very amazing look but which celebrity do you want to tell? I know it's a great look that's why I am going to regret Vicky Kaushal, no it's my farewell any dressing tips? if you have a farewell and you wear formal then I would suggest you go for a tuxedo or any solid colour suit if you want to look more beautiful then you can go with stripes good pockets and tie give me a hint someone has said something let me see Nancy how are you? I am absolutely fine, thank you so much Nancy Mishra is saying Ayushman and someone else said Kirti Bhatt Ayushman is the right answer Swasthak is also right Kirti had said Ayushman Khurana so I will remove AV let me exit AV when you know that Ayushman Khurana is the answer so yes Ayushman Khurana is the right answer we will recreate one look which was the first look where he was wearing a nice coat like a jacket it's called a sports jacket as you can see so here I have a white tshirt polo neck, I mean turtle neck tshirt here and here I have a coat which matches my pants alright, so we will recreate his look before that let's take a poll answer to the poll who is the brother of Ayushman Khurana now you know that celebrity is Ayushman but who is Ayushman Khurana's brother you have to tell Vicky Bhai Ayushman Khurana's real brother you have to tell the answer tell quickly another 15 seconds to go who is the brother of Ayushman Khurana 80% of people are saying Apar Shakti 20% of the people are saying Vicky okay 5 seconds to go 1 alright, alright, alright so 86% really nice, really nice 88% of people know that his brother's name is Apar Shakti Khurana yes both are brothers Apar Shakti was an anchor and now he is also into acting and yes you are right, yes absolutely and Ayushman was a singer and then he did acting now we have quiz for Ayushman we will have RB quiz you have to answer it you will have 2 questions so RB quiz will come in some time for now let's do one thing first let's change our T shirt which is this white T shirt see how I am showing you okay RB quiz is here we will change the T shirt later what was Ayushman's debut film name? on whom he did debut? tell quickly tell quickly, tell quickly Ayushman Ayushman's first movie which was a hit and was liked by youth and it was a very nice movie what is the answer for that? Bala, Bala, Bala Bala, Bala Ayushman was like me in Bala but you have to tell what was the name of his first movie? come on, come on, come on I will give you a hint that was produced by John Abraham Shubh Mangal is not the right answer congratulations are not there okay so time is up Vicky Doner Vicky Doner Vicky Doner was the name Bala was not no idea, no idea Vicky Doner was the first movie and it was a super hit he was awarded the Best Debut Actor award and it was a very nice movie I have also seen it many times Vicky Doner was the right answer no problem let's do one thing let's do one thing now I will wear this T shirt and if I get another RB quiz it was the first movie yes, it was the first movie wait for a second I am standing here you will get the RB quiz you have to answer the second question I have forgotten the question you will see it on the screen okay Aayush Banking On Hawai Aayush withoku Collagen masali nur samaj

Recreate Ananya Pandey's Celebrity Look: Guess Her Father To Win!

Recreate Ananya Pandey's Celebrity Look: Guess Her Father To Win!

Hi Akshara, hi, so I have made some changes in that look How are you? I am great, how are you guys? How are you? So many people have come, so tell me how are you? How is your day going? Today is Friday, tomorrow is Saturday, then Sunday Weekend has come, what are you going to do? I am just excited to party and all so let's see what goes We are very good, I am also very good If you speak in my language, I am very good Because I am from Banaras, so I have to use Banarasi words right What are you going to tell today? Akshara, I am not going to tell you, I am going to show you a look Celebrity look which is my personal favorite Because I can carry it anywhere I can wear it to my office, I can wear it to airport, I can wear it to any party also Because I am like this, I am like this, I am a little short so I am like this Which celebrity? You have to guess this, I will give you an option to guess So I will see if you can guess or not So the thing is that if you have met me personally or if you are watching my live Then you might have an idea that I am like this, I am short so I am short I am very lazy to get ready and do makeup But I love to do that, obviously I don't know how to do it so I can't do it I appreciate the girls who can do it, they can put proper makeup I really want to learn that, I want to learn how to do makeup So I apply basic makeup, like right now if you can see on my face I have applied moisturizer, sunscreen, liner and a little bit of lip balm So that it can not look dry and all because obviously it is winter time So you have to keep your skin moisturized Not only your face but your hands, your legs, apply moisturizer on your full body And stay moisturized, means it feels good You look very cute, thank you Simmy, that's so sweet Looking gorgeous, yes yes it is visible, looking beautiful Hi Vishakha, hi guys So 373 people are here, I started it just now, 300 people have come in my live And what should I talk about my hairstyle, my hair is a little wavy My hair is like this from below, it is straight because it is washed Otherwise my hair is a little wavy So what I do is, I hold my hair from here and pin it here mostly So that my hair does not come on my face so much because I go to office and I have to sit on laptop all the time So I don't want my hair to interrupt me, hi Shivankur, hi how are you I have to pin it, yes, I have to pin it Because when your hair irritates you in your eyes during work, it looks very problematic So let's not get distracted from today's topic, today's topic is what look we are going to recreate of a celeb So first of all I will give you an idea, you guess Many people like her, many people make fun of her I think she is adorable, she is cute, I like her But you have to guess who I am talking about Basically she is a daughter of a comedian She is a daughter of a very good actor who has already done many comedic roles So I will give you an option, you just guess who is that daughter I will give you a poll here, whose daughter is she So you tell me whose daughter is she I am just guessing that you can guess right, whose daughter I am talking about What do you think I am talking about Johnny Lever's daughter or Chunky Pandey's daughter Basically you have to guess whose fashion sense is better If you know whose daughter's fashion sense is better then I guess you can guess I can see clearly that people are doing it right here 3,2,1 and the poll is over here, time is up 82% of our viewers think I am talking about Chunky Pandey's daughter Obviously I am talking about Chunky Pandey's daughter Because Ananya Pandey's fashion sense is like I just love her Not because I am Pandey and she is Pandey I really like her fashion sense, she is very cute, she is adorable I think she is cute and she is a good actress also She is trying to be a good actress, obviously she is trying to be a nepotism

Deepika Padukone's Favorite Cuisine: Chinese | True or False Quiz!

Deepika Padukone's Favorite Cuisine: Chinese | True or False Quiz!

I will be you know amazing. 56% and 43% So, that's that is right. Thank you, Nishta. I'm good. Thank you, Nishta. I'm good. Thank you, Nishta. I'm good. How are you? So, what look I How are you? So, what look I of Deepika's today. Let's move on to that. Alright. So, guys, what do you say? Of course, I'm no Deepika Parukun. Okay, let me do my hair. I don't have long hair. So, if you see the makeup, this is actually an airport look. So, I'll show you the whole look. This is the full shot of Jasmine. So, this is the look I have tried to create. So, normally that was like, one look which I could personally correct a lot. And I had something similar. So, I think she is wearing a sweater, long sweater with a skirt. I am wearing a dress, which I'll show you in the full shot. And very subtle makeup with which I do not do generally is my eyeliner because she's also had, because obviously Deepika Parukun and good eye makeup and eyeliner is her thing. So, this is what I've tried to do. And let's move on to the second one. Where you can see the whole look. So, of course I did not have the same bag, but I had a similar bag. So, this is the look that I have created. Of course, I cannot pose like her because she is Deepika Parukun, let's accept it. So, this is the look I have tried to create because I also had a slit in my dress. So, I was like, okay, why not to do it? That is actually my bandage because my hair is injured. So, I will probably show it from here. So, this is the look I have tried to create for today's celeb look. And I completely love this look on her. And at the same time, it's very, very easy. As I told you. So, even if you are wearing something like this, where you are wearing a white sweater, you can wear a white long skirt with it. So, I think the whole concept of what Deepika is wearing right now is also very amazing. But if you have any dress like I have at this time, so yeah, let's keep going on. Yes. So, this is the look I have tried to create. How did you guys like the look? I will ask you this too, quickly. Because time is less on this show. Okay. Na na na na na na na. Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Okay, here it is. So, how did you guys like this look? How did you like my efforts? Please let me know because this is how I get to know that what you guys like. So, like you can see that I don't have a lot of nude lips. But I have completely kept it like that. I didn't wear any earrings today. Just like Deepika, she was not wearing jeep. These are just my pods. And yeah, so I actually have just got my watch and nothing else. I have not tried to do anything else. I have tried to match as much as I could. So, how did you guys like the look I created today? If you wanna say, good Harsha, it was a good effort. And okay, okay, it was Harsha. Don't break my heart like that. See, I put in effort. I got hurt. Thank you. There was a little margin. But okay, even then, a lot of people said good Harsha. And others said okay, okay Harsha. All right. Okay, moving on. Since we are talking about today's celebrity, Deepika Padukone, are you guys ready to play a Deepika Padukone quiz? It's gonna be great. Thank you, ten on ten. Thank you guys. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you, Abhi Aditya. Okay. All right, thank you. Thank you, Ashi. You look like Deepika Padukone, just like her. Oh, I wish. Thank you. All right, guys. Are we ready to play a little quiz related to Deepika Padukone? Are we, are we, are we, are we? All right. It's very easy. So don't worry about that. But basically, there are some questions about Deepika Padukone that you have to answer, which are very, very simple. So let's start. Okay, let's see. Can you guys see this? Okay, let me... Okay. Let me try to change this. Uh uh, no. Not even this. I don't have to go here. I'll go to the side, guys. So don't worry about it. Okay. So Deepika Padukone's favorite cuisine, can you guess? Thank you, thank you, thank you, guys. Thank you so much. So Deepika Padukone's favorite cuisine is Chinese. That is the question. So true or false? Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry. I don't like it. I don't like it. Arun, Arun, okay. All right. Maybe you are better looking than me. Thank you. Yeah, I like this confidence in you. Okay, true, false, true, true, true, Chinese, true. And no, guys, no, that's false. Ha, false. Who said it? So Deepika Padukone's favorite cuisine is Chinese. That is the question. So Deepika Padukone's favorite cuisine is Chinese. That is the question.

Recreate Tara Sutaria's Look with Quad Set: Pink Crop Top, Tie & Tie Shorts & T-Shirt

Recreate Tara Sutaria's Look with Quad Set: Pink Crop Top, Tie & Tie Shorts & T-Shirt

I am going to recreate is Taras Utaria This is the look I am going to show you Quad set very much in This is very popular and these are some outfits which can be worn in gym It can be an airport look, very good So I thought of doing this look First it was a tie and tie print look Full pink crop top and below track pants and in this shorts Tie and tie shorts and t shirt So I am going to recreate this look Have you composed any Punjabi song? Who me? Are you talking to me? No, I just sing, not compose So this is my look for Taras Utaria I went and came back very quickly I have taken out 2 looks One is pink crop top and second is Tie and tie white and blue quad set Which has loose t shirt and shorts This is known as gym look and airport look You must have seen many Bollywood actors in quad sets In fact, in formal also shorts and blazer are coordinated in quad sets That's also one of the look but I am recreating this look which you can wear in gym or you can make it an airport look Quad set I have shown you in pink color and white and blue I am going to wear a purple quad set and there I come and I will highlight myself I have picked up this purple t shirt and this purple shorts I have made the color a little different but these are comfortable You can wear it in gym or airport look You must have seen many Bollywood actors I have tried to recreate similar outfit I am wearing this already because I think you can add some accessories when it comes to your gym look or airport look You can see people wearing mask, phone and they have a bottle of water in their hand No, this is a handbag and mask You can add on some accessories I have added on these glasses and I have made a purple quad set I think it looks very cool very much in nowadays So again, when we recreate a celebrity look I always say wear something which suits you You do not have to copy them We are recreating look, high, look, height, height, so sweet voice and song Which song are you listening to? All the songs are good in your voice I am not going to sing a song, I am just recreating a look So, tell me which film or movie Tara has played in which she has sung a playback in which film or movie she has sung a playback So, looks are very cool when you wear quad sets I am showing you pictures of Tara Sutaria I have recreated this look I have made a tshirt of purple color I have made a light and dark shade mix and match so that it gives a different break Let's see your result People have said that Tara Zameen has got 67% and 33% of the votes Both the answers are correct Tara Sutaria has sung a playback in both the films She is acting in films, singing and she is also known for her fashion and style Today I am showing you a quad set I have recreated this purple purple I have a print on the back

Create Ranveer Singh's Iconic Airport Look | Ranveer Singh Lookbook | RoboZoo

Create Ranveer Singh's Iconic Airport Look | Ranveer Singh Lookbook | RoboZoo

I am really sorry for the network but today I am going to tell you about airport looks and there is a celebrity whose airport look is always talked about whether it is in small cities or big cities, wherever it is, his airport look is always a little bit proper about looks yes of course and his look I think everyone likes it earlier it was a little bit cringe, people used to think why is he wearing this, why did he create this look but right now he is one of the most iconic stars in the world I can say that looking so beautiful thank you so much Ayush you guessed it right he is Ranveer Singh yes of course he is Ranveer Singh right? Ayush it's Ranveer Singh I am going to show you a few looks from the airport and directly from the airport let's see what we have got alright there we go check this out what do you think of this look? now better thank you so much Suhani will you create a look of Ranveer Singh? yes I am going to recreate a look of Ranveer Singh I am going to do something different but I am going to add on to it and create something different Ranveer Singh is always amazing yes so this is one of the looks which I really love and let's check out the next one nice a track suit my favourite yes same make it like this I don't have this but I am just showing you this look that these are my personal favourites which I will try in the future in front of you the one I have brought today is different but this one is totally different all these clothes are very different and I am sure you guys must be liking it it's a super cool look yes of course it's a super cool look yes it's looking best thank you so much let's see what's ahead there's one more picture let's check it out what do you think? this is like a retro Shammi Kapoor type look which they have recreated I love the pants I love the shirt my moustache is also very stylish not many people can do that I am wearing a robe Suhani had an overcoat jacket which was very cool I am very good I am liking it a lot amazing I also liked it thank you it's looking great you will also like it okay I will also try definitely hi hi hi hi hi oh my god so many comments thank you how are you? I am good how are you Kamal? this look is very good yes of course these looks are very good and with this these looks are my personal favorites which I will definitely try in front of you but the look I am going to try in front of you today I will show you that look there you go so this is the look that I am going to try to recreate not the same color not the same shirt I have changed the whole shade but I will recreate this look because I have mostly all the things that they have worn in different colors in different shades in fact I will wear this shirt and I will start with this because it's an oversized funky shirt if you can see okay I am going to recreate this and show you but before that I will start with that I have already worn the look that I have and the look that Ranveer Singh has I have merged that look you guys will try the look of Ranveer's skirt if you say Kamal then I will definitely try that look on RoboZoo definitely one day he will do that it will be a little funny content but it will be fun too so this is what I am talking about check this out you will see the difference he is wearing a tracksuit okay this is not the color but something similar to this what I have recreated in the past which I have done before check this out what do you think? tracksuit is good what do you think about this tracksuit I have also worn the same tracksuit and funky tracksuit with the chain with sunglasses so you can see the elements that I have added I am not wearing a tshirt inside I have added a chain so that it looks nice and it's looking really nice thank you so much thank you Sachin Sachin sorry this one is also strong thank you so much now check this out check this look this is a jumpsuit, it's a very cool jumpsuit with this he is wearing a fanny pack which is looking really nice with the beanie and sunglasses very nice but guys check this out what I recreated this is my look what do you think of this look? there you go I have also worn a jumpsuit jumpsuit look big recreate see this Sachin I have already recreated it for you check this out but while recreating I will show you my look what Ranbir Singh has done I am recreating it in front of you I will add things slowly till then you can see my look how do you feel? so I have some accessories which I want to add which Ranbir Singh has worn this is done, this was my look which I have recreated so I have already done this in the past but I am not sure if I have done it right or not

Deepika Padukone Travel Look: Get Celebrity Look with Athleisure Chic Outfit!

Deepika Padukone Travel Look: Get Celebrity Look with Athleisure Chic Outfit!

who is that Bollywood actress? the song that was played I am sure you have heard it or not so I will tell you the song was doobay tell me quickly which actress I am talking about now you tell me how was Vietnam Vietnam was awesome I also heard it so who are we talking about? yes deepu she is your friend who you called deepu she is Deepika Padukone so we are going to do an amazing look of Deepika Padukone nowadays a trend which everyone knows when we went to Vietnam hi KK how are you? hi Aayu hi I am fine how are you? so when we went to Vietnam we saw at the airport that a lot of people there this is a look of celebrity who was copying which is Athleisure means you are wearing cool workout clothes made them a little more cool but Deepika is one of these actresses who carries this look amazingly your asterisk is very lovely thank you Ravi thank you I love Deepika I also think she is stunning looking hi Shyam how are you? so I will show you quickly I have only 15 minutes to create this look and I want to tell you that you also can look so good in this simple look but the point is that you have to accessorize it in an equal way she has accessorized it with a bag and made her hair top knot I am going to be doing the same what I like the most about Deepika Padukone I really believe that the sense of style of Deepika Padukone is very good this is airport look kind of but this is also something which when you are doing workout or going out you want to give a very chill Athleisure chic look this is what you should go for and of course it's black so it will look good on everyone for example if you are going to airport you can do airport look but not necessarily airport look I am not saying airport look I am saying Athleisure chic look if you want to look chic in a gym wear then you can do this because these days it is completely in fashion even if you are going out with your friends you can look super fancy like this black is very beautiful color Mohit, Gavi, Shreya black is a color which looks good on everyone every one can carry this as in girls and boys simple, track pants, jacket and shades and of course you can play with your hair so black outfit is very beautiful and this look I am going to completely copy Mohit is agreeing with me, thank you very much this look is very good I am not trying this but I think it looks very nice so I will try this too first of all let's go with the makeup let's talk about the makeup quickly what is the makeup you can see it is clean skin nothing is there because of course I am wearing sun shades so you can't see it but I am pretty sure that usually she tries to do something with her eyes but before that you Reba Singh have you ever tried this look before no I have never tried in front of you for the first time let's see how it looks you tell me, I am pretty sure it will look good and if you like it make sure you also copy this look you can get celebrity look in very easy process just carry it well that's it Deepika is my favorite ok ok now we are talking about makeup quickly I don't have much time so the makeup is simple lipstick I do one thing I wear this simple lipstick a simple nude color pink very breezy color light pink looks very good on any skin tone so she carries that so I will quickly do my lips like she has done already I have applied it but it is little dark and visible so I am going to do that here is mirror so I am doing it by looking at mirror ok so it is nice let's start with lipstick yes Aaruhi I have started now see I am applying lipstick without looking I have put on the lipstick now I have to see under her glasses for travel look is good if you are going out with your girls you can easily carry this lipstick is ready after lipstick let's go to eyes I think I will do little bit of kajal just little bit AV what is it called ok I will make AV small make myself big I usually feel I keep AV big but I will do that for you ok this is done now I am big ok now I am big ok make yourself big ok now better I have made myself big ok so that's the look and now I am going to put some kajal now you are big now I am big

Recreate Katrina Kaif's Denim Look with Eyeliner | Sonali Giriraj Ajay | Namaste London

Recreate Katrina Kaif's Denim Look with Eyeliner | Sonali Giriraj Ajay | Namaste London

how much you get you have this look is not first you tell me guess rather who is the celebrity whose look I will recreate hint was this song hint was this song I am going to recreate this look tell me the name of the celebrity soon Sonali Giriraj Ajay Katrina Kaif yes it is a hint Sonali you gave answer then you are saying hint you are right it is Katrina Kaif I am going to be copying or rather recreating you are looking pretty free thank you thank you Rajuji yes we are going to do Katrina Kaif you know Katrina Kaif I didn't like her so much before but now I like her a lot because now we know your hairstyle is very good because I know I have come to know through common friends because we are also in industry she is a very good person she never says negative she is a very good person that is Katrina Kaif so look which I am going to recreate that is going to be something which all celebrities carry this look which is denim on denim and if there is one celebrity who is Katrina Kaif Sonali is also my favorite Katrina Kaif so this is Katrina Kaif in amazing denim on denim look and she carries it very nicely here she is wearing denim jacket look at this here she is wearing denim skirt sorry denim shirt with jeans and here she is wearing again dark blue denim yes she is super super pretty and she is very nice so look which is from these three which I am going to recreate that is which one which one so I am going to be recreating this look from Namaste London movie I like it very much I love denim jacket I also love neck cut so I can't wear denim jacket but I love denim now I am wearing denim I can live in denim I am very happy wearing denim and you can see Katrina Kaif is rocking this shirt and dark blue jeans Hi Abhinav we love denim yes I like it too let's recreate this look first we will decode then we will recreate decode is superb look let's see this is party look you can make party look I will give you tip how to make party look first let's look at her make up make up is of Katrina Kaif she wears simple plain lipstick like nude shade and in eyes I have never seen her wear kajal I have always seen her wear eyeliner so eyeliner is this which I have seen on my face may be you are feeling but let me change the setting so you don't say Risha is grown up yesterday everyone said Risha is grown up so this is my face see I have nothing on my face my face is empty there is no anything on eyes as kajal is little bit left she doesn't wear any kajal but we are going to put eyeliner first we will make up ready for this look which is the eyeliner that I have I don't use eyeliner much I use very less eyeliner but this look thank you Selva for following but to create this look I will wear eyeliner because I know Katrina Kaif always wears eyeliner so we are now while talking to you how to apply eyeliner but see that's the talent I have put it see that is the eyeliner that I am wearing and in 2 seconds Sonali appreciate my way of applying eyeliner which I have applied while talking while talking appreciate Sonali I am saying Sonali because girls know how difficult it is now they won't apply eyeliner on Raju so they won't know Pankhudi is saying some will change the hairstyle but I don't like it that her face is so you must have noticed something since Katrina Kaif is in industry she is wearing only one hairstyle she has never changed her hairstyle and this I I support this opinion because I feel whatever you like stick to it Risha do you like long dress or short I always like short depending on what you want I am wearing other eyeliner while talking whether it is short or long I am okay with anything till the time it fits well dress fitting is very very important alright so this eyeliner is done I dream denim look is the best

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